Monday, September 27, 2010

Understanding Pain


Poor posture causes pain as it misaligns your body, strains the spinal cord, stresses the joints, irritates nerves and tighten muscles which leads to poor blood circulation. The following describes some conditions that you may be suffering from which may mean that some immediate attention/treatment is necessary before they become chronic and can affect your lifestyle:
Ankle Pain
Ankle Pain can be due to injuries sustained when you sprain your ankles as you miss a step or doing some sports. Most of the time, the sprain is so bad that it tears your ligament and tendon which usually cause severe swelling and inflammation. Reason being: that your ankle is too stiff, weak and inflexible to rebound you back in balance; resulting in you being badly immobilized.

Back Pain / Slipped Disc / Sciatica

Prolonged sitting in the office and bad postural habits will cause your pelvic to misalign as it tightens and strains your muscles that put lots of undue stress on the spinal discs. With long term abuse, it will result in slipped disc or sciatica which causes the disc to protrude and impinge on your nerve root which will cause you great pain. The degenerated spinal disc hits the nerves and causes tingling sensation and sharp shooting pain down to your buttocks, legs and to the toes. Back pain can also be triggered by carrying heavy things due to weak and tight muscles, accidents, obesity, pregnancy or sports injuries depending on what your body is suffering now.

Bunion is an abnormal bulging of bony outgrowth that forms at the base of the big toe, causing it to push towards the other toes and cramping them together thus causing pain. Causes of bunions are due to wearing too tight-fitting shoes, high heels or pointy shoes that congest the toes. Flat-footed people can also suffer from bunion as the foot tends to pronate inward while walking that put lots of pressure on the big toe joint which cause swelling and inflammation. The correct walking pattern needs to be learnt in order to re-educate the foot muscles to function properly again.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome / Wrist Pain

A common injury that affects most office executives who type non-stop on the keyboard, which normally stress and injure the ligament and tendon of the wrist joint. This will lead to serious tendonitis aside from suffering a wrist fracture. Wrist joint is a much neglected joint as we normally do not stretch or strengthen it. Worst of all, it can lead to Carpal Tunnel Syndrome which causes the median nerve to be compressed and result in tingling, numbness or sense of weakness to your hands. You will feel the pain radiating around the wrist to the elbow or even to the shoulder blade and neck which cause great discomfort. In advance stages, you will also feel loss of feeling in some fingers which affects its function such as the disability to write, drive, hold a cup or read a book.

Cervical Spondylosis
Cervical Spondylosis is a condition characterized by wear and tear of the neck as we age. Bones of the neck form bony outgrowth called osteophytes or bone spurs. These bone spurs can irritate the nerves, muscles and ligaments lying beside it eventually causing pain. With these pains, your neck motion will be limited and can cause stiffness and great discomfort while you are moving or turning your head.

Elbow Pain – Tennis Elbow
Not necessarily applicable only to tennis players as its name suggests. The term Tennis Elbow (‘Lateral Epicondylitis’) describes pain experienced at the outer bony area of your elbow due to tendon inflammation. Overuse of the forearms or other activities cause repeated micro tear and damage to the tendon. The pain can be very aching, affecting the whole arms eventually causing weakness. It causes great discomfort as the pain gradually becomes a constant and distracts your focus especially when you are using the mouse alot.

Elbow Pain - Golfer’s Elbow
Golfer’s Elbow (‘Medial Epicondylitis’) describes a condition where you are experiencing the pain within the inner bony area of the elbow joint due to inflammation of the tendon. It does not necessarily affect golfers. You will feel the pain radiating from the forearm down to the wrist and up to the shoulder area causing dull pain and weakness of the arms. It is an irritating and constant pain that last and would not go away especially when you are typing the whole day.

Foot Pain / Heel Pain / Plantar Fasciitis
It describes an inflammatory condition of the plantar fascia which runs under the base of the foot connecting from your heel bone to the base of the toes. It is a chronic pain which results from overly tight calf muscles which inserts into the heel bone and restricts the movement of the foot. You will feel a stabbing pain when you take the first step out of the bed once you wake up in the morning. If left untreated, the pain can become severe and interfere with every step you take so much so that walking becomes a painful task for you.

Frozen Shoulder
Frozen shoulder is an irritable condition where there is constant pain in the shoulder upon movement which is known as adhesive capsulitis. Muscles around the shoulder joints are inflamed and tender which restrict your movements. People with frozen shoulders will have difficulty with their daily activities such as combing their hair, putting on their shirt and particularly brasserie for women and even scratching their backs. The shoulder joint is the most unstable joint in our body system that is prone to injuries.

Knee Pain

Knee pain can be due to osteoarthritis, meniscus injuries, cartilage tears, ligament sprains and leg length discrepancies that cause wear and tear to the knee joints. Also, prolonged walking or running with misalignment of the knee will cause further stress to the knee joint. That explains no matter how much glucosamine you are taking seem to be of temporary help. Weakness in the leg muscles also cause knee pain as they cannot support the structure of the entire leg as well as the weight of the upper body. Unstable knee joints cause pain too when you walk up and down the stairs as the ligaments are weak and cannot stabilize your legs in motion. Most of the time, you will feel the pain below the front of the knee, back of the knee, inner or outer side of the knee, depending on which supporting muscles are not functioning properly.

Neck Pain / Shoulder Pain / Headache / Migraine / Whiplash Injury

Long hours of hunching over the computer and poor working ergonomics will cause rounded shoulders and forward head posture which gives rise to neck and shoulder pains, migraines and headaches. Pain can also be due to whiplash caused by accidents which usually jerk the neck violently and over-stretch the soft tissues beyond their limits. These conditions compress your neck vertebrae, strain the neck muscles as it push your head forward; impinging on your nerve which cause pain, numbness and tingling sensation down towards your arms and fingers. Long-term hunching will also lead to shortness of breath and heart palpitations as it congest your chest, lungs and thoracic area.

Osteoporosis also known as ‘Brittlebone’ is a condition when the bone rapidly loses its density. The bones become very brittle and subject to fracture easily as it becomes less dense at the core. Symptoms of osteoporosis can manifest as lower back pain, loss of height and in most drastic cases, developing humpbacks. Weakening of the bone especially affects women at their menopausal stage which leads to decreased production of estrogen, a female hormone that keep the bones strong.

Osteoarthritis (OA) describes a condition which the joints are inflamed due to the wearing out of cartilages in the joints that cushions the bones. It is the most common form of arthritis (‘ageing disease’) which can lead to swelling of the joints, stiffness and serious pain. It also affects women more than men especially after menopause.

Rheumatoid arthritis
Different from Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) is an autoimmune disease that causes unknown inflammation in the body that results in joint pain, swelling, stiffness and possibly other organ damage. In serious cases, it can cause joint deformity, discoloration of the skin and gradual loss of motion.

Rotator Cuff Injury
Rotator Cuff muscles are shoulder blade muscles that support the arm on the glenohumeral joint. Injuries to rotator cuffs include: falling on an outstretched arm, lifting with faulty body mechanics and repetitive arm activities especially those done overhead like throwing a basketball or placing items on overhead shelves. Signs and symptoms of the injury include pain and tenderness in the shoulder area, weakness of shoulder muscles and limitation of shoulder motions.

An abnormal curvature of the spine to the side which causes uneven height to the shoulders, waist and hip which results in severe back, shoulder and neck pain if left untreated. When the curvature gets worse, the spine will be rotated and twisted and will eventually cause the ribs to stick out to one side and creates a hump on your back. In the long term, it will stress and crush the internal organs that will lead to poor circulation, breathing problems and chronic pains.

Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) Syndrome
Temporomandibular Joint Syndrome refers to an acute or chronic inflammation and disorder of the temporomandibular joint (jaw joint) which connects the mandible to the skull. Causes of pain are due to trauma, repetitive unconscious jaw movement (bruxing: grinding of teeth) misalignment of occulusal surfaces of the teeth, excessive gum chewing or nail biting, size of food eaten and degeneration of joint cartilages. Signs and symptoms include headaches, toothaches, ear aches or ringing in the ear, neck, shoulder and back pain, pain behind the eyes, swelling, and limitation in opening the mouth during eating or talking.

Referenced from on 28th September 2010

Friday, September 17, 2010


Western drug medicine limits itself to our understanding of chemistry to heal and control pain. Microcurrent electrical therapy (MET) is distinct in that it is based on the concept that the biophysics underlying the chemistry also plays a significant role in regulating all of life's processes.

Using waveforms at a level of current similar to the body's own, MET bridges cellular communications reestablishing the normal electrical flow. The concept of a bioelectrical control system is common to every form of healing ever developed in recorded history except drug medicine. The Chinese named bioelectricity ch'i, the Japanese called it ki, and the Indians referred to it as prana. The Russians spoke of the same thing under the name bioplasma.

All doctors in every discipline are taught that there are about 75 trillion cells in a human body, each one having an electrical potential across its cell membrane, just like a battery. It is amazing that Western physiology books do not even bother to speculate on the staggering significance of these facts.

Western medicine acknowledges a limited concept of homeostasis, defined as a tendency to uniformity or stability. Unfortunately it does not yet fully appreciate the natural healing powers of the body or the bioelectrical systems that control them. In our most rudimentary education we were taught that chemicals can be broken down into elements, then atoms and subatomic particles such as electrons.

TENS works by moving electrons through the body at a variety of frequencies. By using two frequency generators per channel TENS actually uses a very broad band of frequencies collectively know as harmonic resonance. This insures that the right frequency will be delivered to reestablish homeostasis within the bioelectrical system. The other frequencies pass harmlessly. 
Two contemporary scientists have proposed new comprehensive models to explain how our physiology is controlled by bioelectrical control systems. Robert O. Becker, M.D. of New York has done over 30 years of research and concluded that all biological systems have a primitive direct current electrical extraneuronal analog data transmission and control system to regulate all life's processes.

Dr. Becker was able to test his theories by studying regeneration. Using low level electrical currents, he completely regenerated frogs limbs and achieved partial regeneration in rats. His book, The Body Electric: Electromagnetism and the Foundation of Life (William Morrow and Co., New York, 1985) is the most important book in electromedicine. It includes a fascinating history of the development of science as it relates to the constant struggle between those who prefer to believe we have a "vital" life force and those who insist that we are just a collection of chemicals without a soul.

Bjorn Nordenstrom, M.D. is another leading pioneer in electromedicine. Dr. Nordenstrom, who recently served as Chairman of the Nobel Assembly, proposed a theory that a controlling bioelectrical system is closely integrated both structurally and functionally with the circulatory system. Dr. Nordenstrom successfully treated terminal patients at the prestigious Karolinska Institute in Sweden to prove his theories. His complete paradigm, including the experimental proof is published in his book, Biologically Closed Electrical Circuits: Clinical, Experimental and Theoretical Evidence for an Additional Circulatory System (Nordic Medical Publishers, Stockholm, 1983).

Many people will experience results during or directly following the very first treatment. Some will not achieve an effect until the morning following treatment. Others may require five to seven or more sessions before the effects will be noticed. If there is no change after ten treatments, and several electrode placement sites have been tried, the use of the Alpha-Stim 100 should be reevaluated. Although a slight tingling sensation is sometimes felt under the electrodes, it is not necessary to feel this in order to achieve results. Most people feel nothing at all except positive results. The current should never be raised to a level that is uncomfortable. Alpha-Stim treatment often leaves the user feeling relaxed, but, unlike with drugs, the mind remains alert. Frequently people report an increase in their energy level. For people who are having trouble falling asleep, Alpha-Stim should be used at least three hours before going to bed or the increased alertness may prevent sleep.


Microcurrent electrical therapy (MET) is continuously being subjected to rigorous study and evaluation by the international medical community. Findings to date indicate that the Alpha-Stim 100 is an effective treatment with broad applications for a variety of syndromes involving pain. In many cases it is the sole therapeutic method required. Effective results have been seen during and/or subsequent to stimulation over effected body parts, adjacent areas, and even areas removed from those in pain. As with any therapeutic intervention, not all patients will respond to the Alpha-Stim 100. The degree of efficacy will vary with the nature of the problem being treated and with the method of treatment. Accordingly, a trial evaluation is recommended on each patient to determine the best possible electrode location and to ascertain the long-term benefits of treatment.
The risk/reward ratio for the Alpha-Stim 100 ranks exceedingly high when compared to pharmacological management and other brands of TENS. Typically, one 10 to 20 minute treatment session every other day is sufficient to manage the conditions for the Alpha-Stim 100 is prescribed. However, some people will benefit from more (or less) treatment time. The Alpha-Stim 100 is safe enough to be used continuously if necessary.
No contraindications have been established.

For external use only. TENS may affect the operation of cardiac pacemakers particularly demand type pacemakers; it is not recommended for use by these patients. Do not stimulate directly on the eyes. Do not stimulate directly over the carotid sinus (upper side of neck). Do not allow children to use or handle this device without adult supervision. Do not operate potentially dangerous machinery or motor vehicles during periods of stimulation. Safety of stimulation has not been established during pregnancy. Caution is advised in cases where other forms of analgesia would not be used; such as to retain the beneficial aspects of pain for diagnosis or in cases where patients may overuse pain-controlled areas. Use only for the purpose for which it is prescribed.


No clear documentation of adverse effects exists to date. No death or serious injury has ever been reported following the use of the Alpha-Stim or any other TENS. The most common area of concern is skin reactions at the electrode sites. To minimize this problem, clean the skin prior to use. Cleaning the skin will also assure better electrode contact. If skin irritation occurs, consult your physician.