About Us

BaseONE is a research group set up to address this basic issue of human health in today’s context. Our purpose is to align the truth of health and wellness towards the way we were made to function optimally. To nourish and support the body with adequate nutrition and resources to ensure that it is able to keep us alive and well, independent on pharmaceuticals or multivitamins.

At Base One, we believe that good health comes with a change in mindset and lifestyle. We need to take charge of our bodies as each one of us is unique. Only we know ourselves best. Doctors treat all patients generally, adopting a one-drug-cure-all approach. Good health comes when one take the first step to eat right, exercise and stop abusing one's body.

We endorse statement from our partners who come to conclude that good health from a balanced range of clean food with least processing can provide the nutrients we need – minerals, vitamins and enzymes. In addition, some amount of sunlight, clean water and regular exercise will improve one's cardiovascular health, oxygenate and deliver healthful nutrients to the living body.

About this site

This site has been produced by the BaseOne Health Research. It has been developed to provide an insight into the latest research and thinking about the truths of health and wellness, and social contexts.

Content will be added to the site at regular intervals to keep visitors abreast of new developments.

Feedback on the site is welcomed (kent.lieow@gmail.com). However, we are not able to provide individual medical advice, and content should not be taken as a substitute for advice from a qualified medical professional.

Who we are

Site editor & Design: Kent Lieow

Expert advisor
Patrick Lieow (Research Director)
[Expert advisors provide strategic advice for the site, and are not responsible for content.]


Comments are welcomed and should be sent to kent.lieow@gmail.com

Linking, copyright and other legal information

You are welcome to link to the BaseOne Research site, and to any article on the site, from your own website.
The main URL is www.base1health.blogspot.com

The copyright and similar rights in all material published on the BaseOne Research website are owned by the contributors, unless otherwise specified. The rights for content produced by other sources and reproduced on the BaseOne Research site are held by those sites.

To use content on the BaseOne Research site for personal, academic or teaching purposes please contact the relevant authors or BaseOne Research (kent.lieow@gmail.com).

None of this material may be used for any commercial use without permission.

Other legal information
The BaseOne Research site is not liable for the contents of any external Internet sites listed, nor does it endorse any commercial product or service mentioned or advised on any of the sites.

All content within the BaseOne Research website is provided for general information only, and should not be treated as a substitute for the medical advice of your own doctor or any other healthcare professional.

No responsibility is assumed by the publisher for any injury and/or damage to persons or property as a matter of products liability, negligence or otherwise, or from any use or operation of any methods, products, instructions or ideas contained in the materials herein.