
The journey for truth in human health and wellness has been an endless pursuit since the dawn of human civilization.

"I am drawn into this matter because of a chronic encounter on personal health led me to investigate the subject, like the rest, hoping to find a magic bullet for it. As I move on to uncover the mystery; eventually I come to understand and mystery is itself a human selfishness wanting to keep information for sake of control and make it exclusive so to exploit it for monetary returns instead of the goodness and affordable accessibility for the human race."
-Patrick Lieow, BaseOne Research Director

The Garden of Eden was created for the use of man. No exclusivity whatsoever but solely for the health and wellness of all his creation.

Those who are following the course of alternative cure outside the main stream would know that there are plenty of good, delicious, great tasting, healthful foods out there awaiting a hungry body, mind and soul.

The body, mind and soul are so intricately connected and complex that only a small fraction of who we are is explainable in strict scientific terms. Medicine often misses the intangible bit. Our desire for a fast cure, preferably one pill and the job's done, has created the kind of doctoring which now dominates medicine.

People take very little responsibility for their own well-being and consequently, take no interest in their health until it deteriorates. We can't blame the medical profession for our healthcare situation as the real responsibility rests with us.

Take charge of your own health today. Only YOU know know what's best for your body, & have the ability to make a difference in YOUR OWN health.